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Add2List Campaigns

PDN measured and compared brand lift across a number of its recent Add2List campaigns for CPG brands.

Add2List campaigns leverage PDN’s unique ability to let target audiences remember a promoted item by adding the item to one of a number of the top shopping list apps that participate in PDN’s network.

These campaigns were all delivered to mobile shopping app audiences (PDN campaigns can reach over 30MM monthly active users in over 20 different shopping oriented apps) with the Add2List functionality unique to PDN.

Campaigns targeted appropriate users for different products using segmentations based on the preferences expressed in app shopping lists.

Purchase Intent Lift

The methodology for computing brand lift is to compare the frequency of a given brand’s mention on exposed and unexposed shopping lists before a campaign and during and after the campaign.

Of the factors influencing lift, probably the most significant was previous exposure to the brand. Completely unfamiliar and new brands saw very high rates of lift, as they were never in the shopper’s purchase habits before.  But even in a very common, well exposed brand like Chobani, significant lift is achieved by Add2List campaigns and PDN targeting.





“PDN informs people who are shopping, instead of interrupting people who are relaxing.”