Integration is quick and easy
“The team at PDN are great to work with and got us live with our first campaigns very quickly. The whole integration was just a few hours and optimal targeting of our content was very straight-forward.”
Instead of SPAM they don't care about for games they don't want or cars they aren't buying.
Get sponsors that match your users and your app
Get top value for your premium inventory
You have unique inventory, get paid for it! We've all run with the mainstream networks. We all look like remnant to them. Get with a network that sells direct to brands that value your inventory!
If you have advertiser relations already, leverage the entire PDN network for scale and the PDN infrastructure for better campaign metrics and reporting.
Sell your own campaigns and get more for it
No remnant fills!
Tell us your eCPM goals and we won't deliver anything that doesn't pay more. If you have a better sponsor, by all means we want you to get the best you can!
Want to find out more details or discuss ideas? We'd love to!
Give us a call or fill out the form below.