“The Purchase Decision Network (PDN) announced the Android and iOS market-leading apps Out of Milk and Buy Me a Pie! have joined Shopper as founding members of the first exclusively shopping-centric network of apps and sites. The grocery network soft-launched in Q1 and is live for ad campaigns as of April 1, 2014.
PDN now powers 10MM shopping trips by 2MM shoppers monthly across the different shopping experiences provided by its publishing partners. Sean Flynn, CEO of PDN said: “As a brand, you have a lot of options from behavioral targeting to RTB. We are a premium ad opportunity based on the simple idea that people respond best to your message when they are actually shopping for your product, something we’ve proved in dozens of test campaigns for P&G and Nestle over the past several years.”
To advertisers, PDN provides a consistent set of ad opportunities across its publishing partners and advanced features like loyalty targeting and campaign re-targeting. Reporting includes standard measures like impressions and clicks as well as a unique conversion metric based on the rate at which shoppers add items to and keep items on their lists post-exposure.”